build time : Bloody ages! Had to learn how to use BSP (not difficult); how to design a level (very difficult); continue working, shopping and generally living a normal life. That will teach me to tell my kids "That's easy, any fool could do that."
compile time : qbsp = 2 minutes 5 seconds
light -extra = 3 minutes 25 seconds
vis -level 4 = 40 minutes 10 seconds
known bugs : flying ants, woodlice, red spider mites.
There is no story to this level. It's simply that you are tasked by the High Ordainer Mexxquor to overcome the Gruur-Erl Overload currently ensconsed on the planet Zrytt in the planet system PS513. You have the three keys of Universal Wisdom and, with your constant companion Floffy Waldren, you must search the Caves of Thraal for the last remaining Phial of Infinate Power. Either that or you start at the begining, blast a few standard Quake monsters and jump through the transporter at the end!
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